This comprehensive report by FOX Business explores what happens when you get sick overseas and the benefits of travel insurance for people traveling outside the U.S.
Category: News
InsureMyTrip In the News: U.S. News & World Report
In a recent article addressing the common travel setbacks travelers face during a trip, InsureMyTrip is referenced as a valuable source in finding the company, policy and price that’s right for you, as well as offering reviews from other travelers. Setbacks discussed include a lost or stolen wallet, health concerns, flight cancellations, and lost luggage. To read the full article, visit the US News and World Report website here.
InsureMyTrip in the News: Forbes Online
“A Travel Insurance Skeptic Changes Her Mind” is a recent article on Forbes online site examining the different types of travel insurance coverage available to consumers, and what makes the most sense to purchase based on various need levels. Topics include cancellation coverage, medical needs, and the importance of comparison shopping.
Highlights include: Traveling with Medicare, understanding Medical Evacuation, and which carriers Caroline Mayer suggests as key players to consider when purchasing travel insurance.
InsureMyTrip in the News: Huffington Post Travel
In an article published on the Huffington Post regarding the many headaches Carnival Cruises has endured this year, the difference between cruise line insurance and third-party travel insurance for your cruise is spelled out in stark terms. While there are many good reasons to purchase your insurance from an independent source rather than from the cruise line on which you’re planning to sail, the most obvious one is often overlooked: If you are insured by the cruise line, that insurance policy is likely to be written in such a way as to be of more benefit to the cruise company than it is to you.
To avoid common headaches such as receiving “reimbursement” in the form of vouchers for future cruise experiences you may or may not want to take, as well as to secure additional benefits for yourself that could be useful in helping you to recover the costs of additional transportation, or cover your medical expenses out of country if necessary, buying travel insurance for your cruise should always be done through a third party. The Huffington Post article recommends InsureMyTrip as a “respectable and easy to use service” for just this sort of purchase.
The full text of “Carnival Cruise Lines and why Third Party Travel Insurance Pays” can be found on the Huffington Post’s Travel section.
InsureMyTrip in the News: Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal’s Wall Street Select site shares a press release from InsureMyTrip, detailing how travel insurance has changed since Hurricane Katrina. An excerpt quotes InsureMyTrip’s President and CEO Jim Grace as saying:
“The 2005 hurricane season was a wake up call for the industry…Prior to that time, weather-related insurance for travelers was mostly limited to protection if your airline or cruise line ceased operating due to severe weather. The damage and destruction brought on by the 2005 storms was a call to action for change, to work harder to protect people better.”
The full release can be found on Wall Street Select.
InsureMyTrip in the News: CBS This Morning
In a segment on CBS This Morning, Peter Greenberg discusses his best tips for understanding and using travel insurance. As he points out in the interview, travel insurance is a particularly good idea for anyone who has a sizeable investment in their trip, or who is traveling with a restricted ticket or similar constraint. However, coverage levels vary and will differ from person to person, depending on their needs. Pricing of insurance policies will also vary based on the level of coverage that’s needed by the individual traveler, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
“My rule of thumb is, never buy the travel insurance from the travel provider themselves…You really want to do it through a third party.” – Peter Greenberg
ABC 6 News: Ebola & Travel Insurance
By: Liz Tufts (Watch the full story from ABC 6 News here.)
Despite reassurance from the CDC, many are still calling for travel restrictions.
In fact, one local business says their phones are ringing off the hook with concerned travelers.
Inside the call center at headquarters in Warwick, employees can’t keep up with call from concerned travelers. “I happened to just get a call from a couple going to Tanzania and they are looking to cancel their trip because of the Ebola outbreak and they wanted to know if they have coverage, ” says Kathy Zanni.
Kathy Zanni is one of 75 people working the phones at the largest travel insurance seller on the internet. It’s the busiest they’ve been in years. “People are scared if they can contract it overseas, how will it affect their travel plans and what type of coverage’s are available, “says Jim Grace.
Jim Grace, president and CEO of the company says they’ve been closely monitoring the Ebola outbreak all over the world, crafting insurance policies for those seeking protection.
“Travel insurance is very uniquely designed so if you do contract Ebola overseas there is coverage, there’s medical coverage for you to get to the nearest hospital via air ambulance or home depending on the policy,” says Grace.