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Travel Insurance Reviews Travel Insurance Reviews Plans

To find the best travel insurance plan for your trip, you want to know which plans worked well for other customers. All of our travel insurance reviews were submitted by customers who purchased a plan on our site. These reviews cover the spectrum including travel health insurance, cruise insurance, comprehensive travel insurance and last minute travel insurance.

How We Count Reviews: Our online review database contains over 100k reviews and ratings collected directly from customers via our site and third-party platforms. All reviews have been verified as honest ratings from real travelers like you.

InsureMyTrip evaluates all of the reviews posted on the site. "Anytime Advocates" - a team of licensed, uncommissioned travel insurance representatives - are available to assist any customer who may need help facilitating a claim or answering questions about a purchased plan before, during or after their trip.

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Customers rated our travel insurance plans
4.57 out of 5
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Filed claim
Trawick International Safe Travels Voyager
Although I did not need to file a claim, it's reassuring to know that I have coverage for the unexpected.
Carol V. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
Trawick International Safe Travels Voyager
I've used Trawick twice, but never had to claim on a policy, so I can't rate their service. I needed a plan that covered pre-existing conditions and wanted coverage for COVID problems and this plan provided both.
Fionnuala D. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
AXA Assistance USA Gold
The plan seemed competitively priced, although not inexpensive. I did need to file a claim due to missed flights, and lost luggage.
We incurred meal expenses, a minor clothing expense, and lost a night of hotel. The total claim was around $300. I filed about 3 weeks after our trip. I submitted about 6 attachments as proof. Several weeks later, after emailing several times, asking about the status of my claim, I received an email asking for more information. I sent the same documents as well as many more, with a detailed explanation of each attachment to make it simpler for the person reviewing the claim. They also asked for 2 of their forms to be filled out, which I attached. Again, several weeks went by, I emailed and requested my claim be paid. I received ANOTHER request for the same information, stating that they were waiting for the forms which they had previously requested as well as a lot of other information, of which I had already submitted several weeks prior! I was going to call and request that someone actually look at all the data I submitted. I was stealing myself for a long, adversarial phone call, so was waiting until I had time. About a week passed and I received an email from my bank showing a Zelle payment for the full amount of my claim. No email from AXA insurance. Interesting.....
AXA is no better, no worse than other companies for which I have had to make a claim. I think they all drag the claim process out, hoping you will give up so they don't have to pay. They also ask for an exorbitant amount of information. Trip insurance is something that I feel I have to have for most international trips, but I dread having to make a claim. Luckily I didn't have to interact with an agent in this case and they eventually paid my claim. Keep every receipt, every boarding pass, etc in case you have to make a claim!
Lise T. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
6 of 6 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
Had a problem with the plan's coverage on Baggage Delay. When returning from Jamaica, my wife's suitcase did not come down the baggage shoot at Newark. Upon looking into the matter at the lost baggage kiosk, we found out the bag was never shipped, nor even scanned to be loaded in Jamaica, even though it was tagged to be loaded on our flight. The next day came, still no bag. Later we were called and told the bag was then shipped to Chicago and that we would get it the next day. We did. Unfortunately, we were told "return" baggage delay was NOT covered. What is the correct response? Why offer Baggage Delay in your promotion details; we were told to read the small print of the actual contract." Nice trick. Goodbye. Nationwide. "Nationwide is NOT on your side."
Lawrence L. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
Generali Global Assistance Standard
Thankfully we did not need the insurance, but it gave us peace of mind knowing we had it if needed.
Kathleen R. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection ExactCare
Didn't need to use the insurance thank goodness, but peace of mind knowing it was there incase we did!
Scot W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
  • Brittany G
    Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
    Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it!
    Aug 29,2023
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Universal Cruise
We got the coverage we needed
Dennis W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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WorldTrips Atlas International
I realized this was a secondary position - I would have to pay everything upfront and fight you for the money back - next time I'll buy a primary position - if you have that to sell then you may contact me.
Andrew B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection ExactCare
At first I was nervous about this plan because it was the second to cheapest option, but I bought it thinking there was very little chance I would need to actually use it. Lo and behold, my trip was cancelled by the tour operator and I had nonrefundable flights. When I was submitting my claim I wasn’t sure if the cancellation reason was covered since it didn’t fall under the usual categories. You do have the option of calling to speak with someone and to ask questions, but I didn’t - I just submitted all my documentation and hoped for the best. The process to submit documentation was simple enough (you can either upload thru the mobile app or send via email), although I wish the mobile app can be improved to provide more details about the claim so that I didn’t need to email again to confirm that my docs were received. They tell you the review process can take up to 15 business days. My claim was approved after 6 business days. Happy it all worked out so I have already purchased Berkshire Hathaway insurance for another upcoming trip and plan to keep using them in the future!
Cindy G. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
5 of 5 people found this review helpful
  • Brittany G
    Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
    Thank you for your review and feedback, we're glad you've had a positive experience.
    Aug 29,2023
The trip included a
Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection ExactCare
While we did not need to use the policy it provided reassurance and peace of mind. My 5 year old awoke with some eye redness and swelling that did end up getting better with some Benadryl but it was reassuring to know I had insurance coverage if needed.
Lauren M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
  • Brittany G
    Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
    Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it!
    Aug 29,2023
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Top 5 Providers

  1. GeoBlue
  2. International SOS
  3. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
  4. Medjet
  5. Trawick International
  1. Travelex
  2. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
  3. GeoBlue
  4. John Hancock Insurance Agency, Inc.
  5. Generali Global Assistance