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Travel Insurance Reviews Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite

The Worldwide Trip Protector Lite plan is the most budget-friendly plan offered by Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International. This comprehensive travel insurance plan includes the most basic coverage of their three plans.

To learn more, see the Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite product page.

Customers rated the C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite plan
4.57 out of 5
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Filed claim
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Since I did not have to file a claim, I really don't know how thorough the coverage was compared to my perceptions of the coverage and reading of the policy. It was still not completely clear to me whether a prepaid hotel room cost, if lost due to a delayed flight, for whatever reason, would be covered by the plan. I did speak to someone but still wasn't positive as the policy seems to leave some "wiggle room".
jill B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
It is difficult to review as everything went well on this trip and we had no reason to file a claim.
Richard E. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
My dilemma was that while I was at sea on a two week cruise my mother got quite ill. The paper which I had with me did not detail the policy, and I had no internet access. In other words, should I have needed to abort my trip I had no idea who was responsible for what. Fortunately, I did not need to return, but had anxiety about it.
Richard L. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
2 of 4 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Debra
    Your policy gets emailed to you within 24hours from purchase. The confirmation from (emailed within 15 minutes of purchase) does have emergency contact claims information.
    Nov 27,2012
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
didn't need to use the insurance, which is a good thing.
malia p. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Didn't need it, thankfully.
Kathleen B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Given we are 68 and 76 in great physical shape, we felt we paid a premium price ( too high) for us as individuals. Our cost combined was over $1,000. We did "buy peace of mind" which, I guess, is incalculable. We had a wonderful 2-week trip to Japan, with mostly elderly, ages 60-80) one had need of medical care.
Is there any way to create an insurance plan that will discount for seniors who get a clean bill of health from their physicians, as we take no meds. and have no physical limitations. I have to say Travel Insured rates were the lowest.... I did like having the rates on one site which made shopping easy; also, your phone people were very knowledgeable and helpful.
Claudia L. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
So glad we can travel outside the boundaries of the U.S.A. with confidence in knowing we will be covered with insurance that will cover our needs.
Stanley H. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
I did not have to file any claims and I was pleased with the coverage.
Doris N. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
I had an enjoyable trip, with no insurance problems. I wouldn't know about claims with your company unless I'd had the need to make one. I'll use your company again, unless I should feel I've been unfairly treated. V.B.
Virginia B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
I've used your service many times without a claim so I have no knowledge about what happens when a claim is made--the true measure of your quality and value. To me, it has just been purchase of a policy and I'm happy to keep it that way. Some people on our cruise did not receive their luggage for 5 days because of a massive Lufthansa foul-up in Frankfurt, Germany. Fortunately, we connected through Dusseldorf and had no problems. It could have been very different.
Jacob R. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
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